Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Raheny 5 Mile Report

Time: 35:49
Mile Splits: (7:11, 7:21, 7:03, 7:08, 7:05)
Avg HR: 155

I had entered this race a few weeks ago as something to train for after Xmas and as it is also recognised as one of the best road races around. Had been struggling with my Achilles for probably the 3 weeks leading up to the race and although still running it was mostly short easy running. I finally felt a bit of relief last Wednesday where I felt I might be able to try and race it. I would of course back off the pace if I got in trouble during the race.

I had been at a workshop on Saturday in Wicklow run by champions everywhere (will cover that in another post) and woke up with stiff legs on Sunday. Didn't dwell too much on it though and was just happy to be able to race. Met a few familiar races before the race and generally had a chat about how windy it was and it was not going to be a day for PB's.

Race started just about bang on time and although starting well up towards the front there were still plenty of people as usual starting in the wrong place to try and get past. With a record entry of 2,500 it was to be congested for a while. Checked my pace which should have been my mile pace but it was set to KM so I really just had to run by feel after that. The 2nd mile was pretty much into gale force winds and was hard to push on during this.

When we turned out of this I knew it was time to try and pick up some time. I was steadily picking off people and somehow missed the 3 mile marker. We turned off the coast road back up towards Raheny. One last hill and then to turn into the wind again. By now I was suffering badly as you should be at this stage of a race. Hadn't got much of a kick left but concentrated on not getting sick the 100m or so.

Crossed the line in 35:49 which was a PB by around 23 seconds I think. The PB was a bonus given the lack of speed work and injury. To be able to race when not expecting to was great. Also to be able to maintain or slightly pick up the pace as the race progressed shows a good level of endurance over shorter distances anyway.

Next race will be Meath Half-Marathon in Bohermeen on 3rd March. Looking forward to getting some solid training in between now and then.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Balbriggan 1/2 Marathon launch

The inaugural Balbriggan 1/2 marathon was launched on Friday evening by renowned endurance athlete Gerry Duffy. For those of you that don't know Gerry has run 32 marathons in 32 counties in 32 days as well as 10 Ironman triathlons in 10 days.

I was lucky enough to spend some time with Gerry before the launch and a nicer man you could not meet. His words during the launch were also very humbling and it certainly got me thinking of what is possible if you truly put your mind to it. If you haven't read his book yet then I suggest you do. For me I think I will be reading it again soon.

The 1/2 marathon itself takes place on St Patrick's morning. There is also a 10K and walkers are even encouraged to take part in support of a great charity 'Balbriggan Cancer Support Group'.

Further information on the race can be found on www.balbriggan.info

Welcome to my blog

Hi everyone,

Well I have been thinking of doing this for a while i.e. setting up a blog. It will take me a while to get it as I want it but I hope you'll enjoy reading my posts. Some of them will be about me and some about different topics. Please feel free to provide any feedback you see fit.
