Last week finished off with a couple of weekend runs outlined below. After his coming week it will be 18 weeks to Berlin and the official start of Marathon training. For some reason I'm looking forward to it. I don't know why but will look more at what I have planned in next weeks update.
Saturday 17th May
Avg Pace: 5:23
Avg HR: 135
Just an early morning run around Balbriggan. No real goal in mind other than clocking up a few K's. Legs definitely weren't really sure what was going on with the early start and the run felt a bit laboured in spots.
Sunday 18th May
Avg Pace: 5:38
Avg HR: 135
There were no takers for a longish run this week with people recovering from Marathon's and some racing on the track that afternoon. I set off from Stamullen school anyway with my music for a change and headed towards Julianstown and straight through the crossroads. From there around the back roads past Mosney and turned up past Murphy's quarry back to the main road. For a fairly remote road I passed a few runners all enjoying the early morning sunshine. Once back on the main road I headed back towards Gormanston and then Stamullen. To make up the required distance I headed up to St Claire's and did a loop in there before coming back to the school.
Was my longest run for a while but just ran it easy, took the pace display off the watch and just kept an eye on the HR and distance covered. Legs also feeling a good bit better since I switched back into my Brooks Adrenaline in the middle of the week.
Just over 54K for the week. We're not there yet but we're getting there :-)
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Friday, 17 May 2013
Time to catch up
Just remembered it's been a while since I posted anything so no time like the present for a catch up on recent training and events.
Tuesday 7th May - Club Session
3.12K w/u followed by stretching & drills
Session consisted of 4x(800,400) w/1 min recovery & 2.5mins between sets.
Splits were (3:23,1:33;3:18,1:30;3:21,1:31;1:27)
1.21K w/d
Wasn't looking forward to this after racing on Sunday. While the legs were tired it wasn't that bad I suppose. Happy enough with the splits. Gary must have been in a good mood as he let us off with the last 800
Another high point of the weekend was following the progress of the 4 SOS ladies in the Prague Marathon on Sunday morning. In testing heat they all ran great. Well done Rosemary, Michelle, Melanie & Mary.
Tuesday 14th May
54 minutes of hell.
8.83K covered in total.
So the college where we normally train have their sports day on Friday so we had to keep off the track. Gary fresh from another Marathon win in Kildare whisked us out the country for some hill repeats. I knew we were in trouble when he stripped down to shorts and tee-shirt himself for this one. After he located the steepest hill around Bellewstown (there are plenty to choose from) we got going with a warm-up and eventually into 10 intervals of 75 seconds up the hill followed by 60 seconds jog back down.
It was lung busting, tough on the legs and there were lots of flies but I really enjoyed it to be honest. Any drivers going past must have thought we were all cracked. I now know what lies over the far side of that 'Other Hill'.
Wednesday 15th May
2.07K @ 5:29 pace Hr 135
5K @ 5:03 pace Hr 140
3.29K @ 5:18 pace Hr 134
Basically just over 10K tonight. Wanted to get a Garmin link of our 5K route (Star of the sea) hence the messing above. Legs a bit tired after yesterday but not too bad. Reckon the 5K is a fast enough course given that any gradual climb is early with the last 1.5K gradual downhill making it easier to maintain/pick up pace.
Link to the race route here if anyone if interested.
Tuesday 7th May - Club Session
3.12K w/u followed by stretching & drills
Session consisted of 4x(800,400) w/1 min recovery & 2.5mins between sets.
Splits were (3:23,1:33;3:18,1:30;3:21,1:31;1:27)
1.21K w/d
Wasn't looking forward to this after racing on Sunday. While the legs were tired it wasn't that bad I suppose. Happy enough with the splits. Gary must have been in a good mood as he let us off with the last 800
Thursday 9th May
Avg Pace: 5:17
Avg Hr: 137
Midweek long run this evening. Headed out from Gormanston with Ken and showed him some of the local hills which he dragged me up and down. When we turned to head back towards Stamullen I pointed at the hill up ahead and said I had never been up there and wondered what was there thinking someday I must take it in. I didn't realise I would be seeing it again so soon.
Avg Pace: 5:17
Avg Hr: 137
Midweek long run this evening. Headed out from Gormanston with Ken and showed him some of the local hills which he dragged me up and down. When we turned to head back towards Stamullen I pointed at the hill up ahead and said I had never been up there and wondered what was there thinking someday I must take it in. I didn't realise I would be seeing it again so soon.
Had a bit of a sabbatical from Thursday to Monday with some of it planned and some of it not. Had to play a golf match on Friday after work which we won. Emma was then away on Saturday till Sunday PM at a hen party so I was on duty with the little fella then. Had planned to do a long run when she came back on Sunday PM but a friend of mine was in contention in the Irish Amateur Open Golf Championships so I whisked over to Royal Dublin to watch the end of that. Robbie went on to win it in a play-off so a rather late night ensued making Monday a write-off. It was great though 
Another high point of the weekend was following the progress of the 4 SOS ladies in the Prague Marathon on Sunday morning. In testing heat they all ran great. Well done Rosemary, Michelle, Melanie & Mary.
Tuesday 14th May
54 minutes of hell.
8.83K covered in total.
So the college where we normally train have their sports day on Friday so we had to keep off the track. Gary fresh from another Marathon win in Kildare whisked us out the country for some hill repeats. I knew we were in trouble when he stripped down to shorts and tee-shirt himself for this one. After he located the steepest hill around Bellewstown (there are plenty to choose from) we got going with a warm-up and eventually into 10 intervals of 75 seconds up the hill followed by 60 seconds jog back down.
It was lung busting, tough on the legs and there were lots of flies but I really enjoyed it to be honest. Any drivers going past must have thought we were all cracked. I now know what lies over the far side of that 'Other Hill'.
Wednesday 15th May
2.07K @ 5:29 pace Hr 135
5K @ 5:03 pace Hr 140
3.29K @ 5:18 pace Hr 134
Basically just over 10K tonight. Wanted to get a Garmin link of our 5K route (Star of the sea) hence the messing above. Legs a bit tired after yesterday but not too bad. Reckon the 5K is a fast enough course given that any gradual climb is early with the last 1.5K gradual downhill making it easier to maintain/pick up pace.
Link to the race route here if anyone if interested.
Thursday 16th May
Avg Pace: 5:34
Avg HR: 133
Just an easy run yesterday evening. Had a crap and long day at work. Got home ready to explode and feeling crap. Out the door and back an hour or so later feeling on top of the world. The joys of running. Was great to catch up with a couple of our Marathon ladies and hear their stories.
Avg Pace: 5:34
Avg HR: 133
Just an easy run yesterday evening. Had a crap and long day at work. Got home ready to explode and feeling crap. Out the door and back an hour or so later feeling on top of the world. The joys of running. Was great to catch up with a couple of our Marathon ladies and hear their stories.
Speaking of which there is 19 weeks on Sunday to Berlin. The thoughts of it ......
Monday, 6 May 2013
The Battle of the Boyne
Monday 29th April
6.54K @ 5:22 pace
Avg HR 139
Did a couple of loops with Ken in Gormanston at what was an easy pace I'm sure for him but took a bit more effort for me as the higher HR indicates. Sluggish legs didn't really help but glad to get it done. We passed Colin Costello a couple of times on the golf course and I couldn't help thinking I should be doing what he's doing and vice verse.
Tuesday 30th April
3.07K Warm up
4x200M intervals @ mile pace with recovery (40,42,41,39)
22 minute Tempo @ 10K pace (4:37 pace, Avg HR 149)
1.53K Warm down
10.63K total
Tuesday night was session night with Gary, usual loop of the college to warm up then some stretching & drills before the real business started. Started with 4x200m slightly slower than Friday's effort with a diagonal jog across the infield of the track as recovery.
Then it was over to the playing fields for a 22 minute tempo run @ 10K pace. Wasn't looking forward to this with my current travails but was determined t give it a go. The field is at a guess maybe around 1100 metres around the outside so we would be well spread out. Got going anyway and had the lap pace as the main display on the watch to keep an eye on. Was hoping to maintain a pace around 4:30 something if I could. Pretty soon the pace was hovering around the mid 4:30's and I just set about maintaining this. Gary was running around the inside in the opposite direction counting down the time which was a great help. Legs held out pretty OK but while you get great support from the grass you don't get the bounce you would off the road. Finished with Avg Pace of 4:37 and a pretty good sign is the HR remained constant throughout the run, only moving up or down by a couple of BPM (beats per minute).
Finished off with 3 laps of the track to cool down.
Friday 3rd May
Avg Pace: 5:31
Avg HR: 138
Had a session with Mark on Wednesday night working on the calf which was painful in itself but felt confident he had found the problem area. He advised to to take Thursday off as well. Headed out for a few easy K's on Friday evening and although still a bit niggly it was generally OK. Weighed up the pro's & con's of doing the Boyne 10K later on and the fact I was getting through the sessions OK I decided to do it but without any great expectations.
Saturday 4th May
Avg Pace: 5:26
Avg HR: 137
Just another easy 30 minutes with a few strides thrown in at the end.
Sunday 5th May - Boyne 10K
10.03K in 46:13
Avg Pace: 4:37
Avg HR: 150
Splits (4:21, 4:33, 4:24, 4:45, 4:34, 4:42, 4:52, 5:12, 4:15, 4:28, 3:57 for .03)
So having spent most of the week deciding whether to do this race or not I signed up for it in the end on Saturday morning with no real expectation or goal. With that in mind and the course changes making it a more difficult challenge I was prepared to risk it slightly and see what happened. Got a decent warm up done and after a visit to the loo and a few chats with club mates we took our place behind the start line.
After a minutes silence for Boston the race was started pretty much in time by Kerry legend Jack O'Shea. I had positioned myself maybe around 20 rows back from the front to try and avoid the congestion of the narrow street for the first 500M but back far enough not to get in anyone's way. Pace was a little quick but eased off a bit when we crossed the dual carriageway. Knew there was a good hill up towards Mel in the 2nd K but had aimed to be around 4:30 pace for the first couple of K which I was.
Got a nice shout out from Rosemary at this point and Maurice came past me around here as well. I think there must have been a bit of downhill in the next K as the pace dropped here. The heat was starting to come into play and I was getting a nice stinging sensation the odd time from suncream mixed sweat dropping into my eyes. Started to get the usual thoughts or dropping out around this time and why do I bother etc etc. Wasn't really Garmin watching but trying to maintain the same effort but pace dropped considerably for the 4th K. I know this was the section under the motorway and up to the Slane road so there was a bit of an uphill and turnaround point here but still no excuse.
Was digging in as best I could and as we turned over the bridge at Oldgrange. Thoughts now started to turn to that hill but the pace had picked up a bit again as we passed over the 5K point. Took a bottle of water at the water station shortly after and poured most of it over me to try and cool down. Bit silly really as was nearly blinded with sweat and singlet was now a lot heavier.
There was a nice flat section now towards the Boyne cable bridge but I felt like I was slowing and I was as people started passing me frequently enough. After about 6.5K we reached the point where we would normally go left and run along the Boyne River back towards Drogheda but this year we went right up Rathmullen hill. This was not a time for worrying about pace but just digging in. Quads were screaming at me but I was now starting to pass some people and some had even resorted to walking. I guess the steepest part went on for around 500 metres? before taking turning left where it eased out a bit. Brian Collins was at the top of the hill in his cycling gear and took the picture below as we rounded the corner.
The next K was my slowest of the race and it was just a gradual incline that seemed to go on for ever and ever and it did. Saw another club mate Sylvia at the top of it and she told me it was downhill from here and she was nearly right. From 8 to 9K was mostly a sharp downhill bringing us back down towards Drogheda. Was still passing the odd person and at this stage just wanted to get finished. Part of the downhill was quite severe on the legs in a different kind of way and we swung left at the bottom of the hill to join the ramparts and bring us under the Boyne.
As we did this there was someone calling times at the 9K point and I know it was 41 something when I passed. Got a great bit of support from the Carolan family just before we went under the dual carriageway. There was a slight rise up onto a bridge over the Boyne that was a killer. Felt like I was treading water as we headed over to join up with West St and that last sharp climb before turning for a sprint finish.
Yeh right there wasn't going to be a sprint in these legs today. Great support along West St and took in the atmosphere while keeping an eye out for Emma & Charlie knowing I was not likely to see them with the crowds. Mustered up some sort of finish eventually and crossed the line in a heap. Hung over one of the barriers for a minute or so getting myself together and then noticed Emma asking me was I OK. I was grand but sometimes you just need a minute to get yourself together. Looked at the watch and it showed 46:13 which I was initially disappointed with.
Grabbed a banana and some water and noticed a gang from the club. Got ushered into the photograph below with Kieron who came 12th and was well rested and Maurice who had finished up a couple of minutes before me.
Looking back I don't think I can be too disappointed. I ran the race at the same pace as a flat 22 minute tempo run during the week. I was about 45 seconds quicker than last year on a more testing course and I haven't been able to do the training I would have wanted to do in recent weeks. In saying that this 10K PB needs a good seeing to sooner rather than later.
Monday 6th May
Avg Pace: 5:51
Avg HR: 129
Recovery run this evening taking in the 5K route for the Star of the Sea 5K. Lovely to run at a nice easy pace on a lovely evening. Hopefully it refreshes the legs a bit in advance of speed session tomorrow night. Maybe Gary will take it easy on us. Not likely though ;-(
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