So this was to be the last week of big training before resting up a bit the week before the race. Hmmmm well things did not go to plan.
Monday was a planned rest day and had decided to do the club session of 6x800M on Tuesday instead of my own slightly easier Fartlek session. We did these on the track which was very mucky and slippy in places making it difficult to get up to required speed. 2 minutes recovery between each seemed to get shorter each time. Looking back on the results though it was a good session with the times all similar enough which is the important thing with doing intervals. They should get tougher as they go on but you should be getting in and around the same time for each one. Was definitely of great benefit to be doing this with a group around the same pace as I think we kept each other going.
6.28 miles in total for the session.
Woke up Wed morning with a sore throat which by the afternoon developed into shivering etc. so when I got home from work it was a case of getting Nurofen into me and no running. Charlie had also been sick since Tuesday evening and this theme was to continue for the rest of the week :-(
Thursday was still not feeling great but decided to head down and run a couple of loops with the club knowing I could stop at anytime if I didn't feel up to it. Felt fine when we got going and did 4.56 miles. Legs actually felt fresh enough even when the pace was upped on the last lap.
Saturday morning was spent at the Operation Transformation 5K in the Phoenix Park which Emma had signed up to. I was going to push Charlie around in the buggy but to be honest was pretty wrecked so took a watching brief. Great to see so many people getting active and reminded me of my first race and how much of a struggle it was. We waited for Emma with about 400M to go and joined in then crossing the line together. Was really great to be able to do that. Hopefully many of the people taking part will have experienced the runners high and keep going.
Got out on Saturday afternoon with Maurice & Kate for a run and ended up doing 10 miles. Was a lovely run with snow, a husky dog and general chit chat passing the time quite quickly. Enjoyed the run and felt like I could keep going if I had to.
Had planned on doing another run on Sunday but woke up stuck to the bed with no energy on Sunday morning and felt like that for most of the day really. Is so annoying because when I get out to run I feel fine but it seems to be taking it out of me from a recovery point of view.
So a bit of a disaster week from training/health point of view in general. Main focus for this week is just to try and get to the start line in one piece.
p.s. for those of you (you know who you are Mel) that were mocking me about Man Flu check out the link to what we always knew.
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