Monday, 3 February 2014

10 weeks and counting...

10 weeks to go to London now which I'm trying to put to the back of my mind for the moment and just take the training as it comes. Below is the rest of my training from last week.

Tuesday 28th January - Session

2.03 miles w/u @ 9:30

3 x 400 w/90 sec recovery (88,87,88)

20 min tempo @ 7:25 pace, avg HR 141

.81 miles c/d @ 9:05

I wasn't looking forward to this one after the race and long run and to be honest legs were feeling pretty crappy as expected during the warm up. I wasn't expecting to push it too much during this session.

Started off with 3x400m that was actually .23 according to the Garmin (the track we use in the winter is not a standard athletics track and around 475 metres so hard to get exact distances).

After that there was a 20 min tempo. Then came the light at the end of the tunnel. Gary told anyone that had done Raheny to just try and aim for HMP. This seemed to help my outlook and we started ticking off the laps and minutes. It felt a lot easier suddenly than HMP normally does and picked up the pace gradually for the last few minutes.

Really happy with how this went. Few laps cool down to finish.

Wednesday 29th January - Recovery

5.05 miles @ 9:51

Recovery run this evening keeping it effortless basically.

Followed up with 30 mins S&C class. Main set was below 7 times

Pull ups x 5
Dips x 5
Deadlift x 5

Hopefully the feeling in my arms comes back soon.
pistol_75 is online now Report Post  

5.05 miles @ 9:51

Recovery run this evening keeping it as easy as possible to try and flush out the legs between sessions.

Followed up with 30 mins S&C class involving some new exercises (pull ups, dips & dead lifts).

Thursday 20th January - Tempo

This one had me worried. Had a serious case of Doms developing in the upper body and arms during the day to the point where it was a struggle to change my top beforehand. Was also worried it was a bit close to race/long run/session from the days previous. Still there wasn't going to be too much time in the rest of the week to fit it in so I got on with it.

Just over a mile warm up brought me to the traffic lights on the Naul road, where I would use a mile out and back on the ring road for this session.

8.5 miles @ MP -10 secs

Split HR

7:51 138
7:46 138
7:54 141
7:49 141
7:53 138
7:44 132
7:51 138
7:26 130
7:40 133

Avg Pace: 7:46
Avg HR: 137

The odd miles were into a stiff enough breeze mostly so took a bit more effort to get close to 7:50 pace which was the target. I wasn't killing myself to hit it as I knew I could balance it out going the other way. Not sure what happened with the 7:26 mile, think I had switched off with it being the last mile and thoughts of getting finished led me to pick it up without knowing it. Strange to see a drop off in the HR as well in a couple of later miles but maybe that is just a glitch?

Glad to have this session done with the way the body was feeling.

Nice slow cool down home to finish up with over 10.5 miles.

Friday 31st January6.08 miles @ 8:57
Avg Hr:130

Easy run this evening with Ken. Didn't look at the watch once as we were just chatting our way round. Was a bit harder than it should with upper body in a bigger jocker than yesterday. Legs were ok though if a bit tired.

183 miles for the month which is probably my highest ever. Certainly not far off anyway. Happy with how most things are going at the moment.

Sunday 2nd February

18.2 Miles
Avg Pace: 8:50

They say there is a benefit to doing your long runs on tired legs right? Well I hope so. Got an early start to get 4 miles done before meeting the usual crew at 8:30. Legs and body were just generally feeling tired but the miles ticked off harmlessly enough. On one of the country roads a dog came to greet us and then 30 secs later we heard this thud. The poor dog got a belt of a car. It sounded pretty bad but the dog was moving around when we left it back into it's owners house. The driver of course hadn't stopped.

Had to make a pit stop after around 14/15 miles so ended running the last bit of the run solo. This was tough with the wind and terrain including a few nice hills. As bad as I felt though and as slow as I thought I was going the mile splits were ok, despite the mental anguish.

Glad to get sight of the cars in the end but need to make sure in future I at least have a drink with me it we're not going to be passing the cars. We didn't expect the loop to be 14 miles though!!!

Just over 60 miles in the last 7 days which is a lot for me and too big of a jump but in my defence the long run last Monday really belonged to the previous week so it is more a case of 84 miles over the last 2 weeks.
Hopefully another good week's training lies ahead and the weather doesn't turn out to be as bad as they say :-(

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