Thursday 22 January 2015

Training Update

Here we go again as we set off on another journey to try and make the start line of the London Marathon in one piece. It feels like the last 3 months of 2014 have left me in a good starting place but anyone who has undertaken Marathon training will know it is generally a road with a lot of twists and turns along the way. The only hope is that we don't reach a dead end :-)

Training hasn't changed a huge amount other than it is now a weekly plan with the long run on Sunday and a session on the Wednesday. The day after these sessions become recovery runs, run at a very easy pace to allow the body to recover. The other days are maintenance runs anywhere between 35 mins & 1 hour at the moment depending on how I feel or time available. Typically these will be 5/6 miles again at an easy pace. Easy days easy, hard days hard is the motto.

What has changed though is the make up of the long runs. Typically these would have been long easy runs as well but now they include an easy portion at the start, them maybe some strides and a couple of segments at tempo pace  broken up by easy running or as was the case last week an easy portion followed by a 50 minute progression run and a cool down. These have been a shock to the system and a different way of clocking up 15/16 miles which will increase obviously as the weeks go on.

The Wednesday session when the warm up and cool down are factored in are also a long session of 13/14 miles. These have been strides + tempo portion or like last night 6x1 mile reps with .5 mile recovery in between, but the recovery to be run around 8:30 pace. I'm not sure if I've ever done a harder session but the last mile was the quickest so not a bad sign.

Mileage was around 55 miles last week and should be 50 this week as I have a rest day (2nd this year) on the plan tomorrow. It will probably remain around this level for the next couple of weeks as I ease up a bit towards the end of next week for the Trim 10 mile race and recover a bit the week after.

I nearly forgot to mention the weather. There has been everything the last few weeks with wind, rain and ice. I really hate running in icy conditions but have managed to avoid it mostly. While the weather is bad it can be easy to put the feet up and do nothing, but it helps to have various groups or people to call on especially for easy or recovery runs to make it less of a chore. It rarely is as bad as it seems once your out the door.

Talk to you again in a couple of weeks. Happy running.

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